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Reading and Early Phonics


Reading is a priority throughout school.  There is an identified phonics trained reading lead who is developing reading across the school to ensure that all pupils are functional readers and can access the curriculum.  Rigorous baseline assessment is in place with each pupil assigned an area for development and appropriate intervention if required.  Reading Assessments used are: Fresh Start assessment for phonics screening and the Hodder Reading test

Reading is assessed on a termly basis to measure the impact of interventions and ensure pupils’ reading is improving. Pupils are provided with daily opportunities to read for pleasure; reading lessons are on the timetable in every class and pupils have regular access to our library.  For pupils with reading ages at least 4 years less than their chronological age, phonics screening assessments are in place. The results of the screening will allow appropriate interventions to be put in place to rapidly close the gap.  In order to improve reading ages, comprehension skills and encourage a positive attitude to reading, comprehension exercises occur on a weekly basis within KS3.