Preparing for Positive Futures (PPF)
At High Well we prioritise learning that promotes out ethos of Preparing for Positive Futures (PPF). Our PPF curriculum covers both the statutory content required by law as well as bespoke lessons tailored top pupil's individual needs.
Much of the PPF timetable is devoted to ensuring that the pupil's individual needs are met, which looks different for each class and pupil. This may include time learning how to work co-operatively and strategically through gaming, taking part in sensory circuits, daily mile walks, budgeting and independent living skills, or art and craft.
Statutory content lessons cover all aspects of Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), Social, Moral, Spiritual and Citizenship education (SMSC), British Values, Religious Education (RE), Financial Education, Careers education, and preparing for adulthood. Everything that you would like to have been taught about at school yourself is covered in PPF lessons.
All learning is age appropriate and pupils cover three strands at the same time across school; Living in the Wider World, Relationships Education, and Healthy Living. Where appropriate outside agencies are involved, for example Spectrum for RSE.
Where pupils reach KS4 they are given multiple opportunities to visit post-16 provisions and colleges in order to make informed decisions and prepare themselves for life after school. We have our own independent careers advisor in school one day per week who knows our pupils and their needs, and we meet the Gatsby Benchmarks for careers education. Again, pupils are given multiple opportunities to work with employers both in school and within a variety of workplaces in order to show them the opportunities that are out there for them.