Key Work
All pupils at High Well have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP). This is a legal document which describes a child or young person’s special educational needs, the support they need, and the outcomes they would like to achieve. In order to meet the needs of the pupils at High Well it is necessary to provide support to pupils beyond the core curriculum offer. Key Work and Intervention sessions are scheduled for all classes and pupils
All classes have at least one Intervention lesson within their weekly timetable which allows teachers to deliver bespoke lessons and activities aimed at addressing the needs of the class. These could be individual tasks or group work, but all tasks are devised with the needs of our pupils (as outlined in the EHCP) in mind.
Key work sessions are also built into every teacher’s timetable. This allows teachers and staff to provide targeted work aimed at addressing the needs of individuals in line with what is identified within the EHCP. Our children have unique needs, so it is often necessary for teachers to plan and deliver a bespoke piece of work to one individual, away from the rest of the class, to support them towards meeting the outcomes outlined in the EHCP