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Our Aims

We aim to provide a variety of opportunities and qualifications which provide all students with the opportunity to achieve their full potential by the most appropriate and direct route.

Our Careers Policy is based on the school ethos of Preparing for Positive Futures (PPF) including the concepts of equality, diversity, clarity, consistency and openness.

We will endeavour to ensure that all students have access to opportunities in a way which is fair and non-discriminatory.


Please note that the Provider Access policy is situated in the Careers policy.  Students are made aware of the existence of this policy and have open access to it. It can be found on the website under 'Policies'

All tutors are made aware of the contents and purpose of this policy.

This policy is reviewed annually and may be revised in response to feedback from students, tutors and external organisations including parents. 

What students can expect from us

  • We aim to ensure that all students have access to a stable careers programme from Year 7-11
  • Access to a Work Related Learning Coordinator within school
  • Access to an independent Careers Advisor
  • Impartial advice from suitably qualified and experienced staff

Students can also expect:

  • A stable careers programme.
  • Access to up to date learning from careers and labour market information
  • That work and opportunities will address the needs of individual students
  • Learning that links curriculum to careers
  • Encounters with employers and employees
  • Experience of workplaces
  • Encounters with further and higher education
  • Personal guidance

Curriculum Provision

The school offers a wide range of activities that contribute towards work-related opportunities in order to help prepare pupils effectively for adult and working life. These activities complement subject teaching, contribute towards the development of pupils’ key skills as well as contributing to lifelong learning opportunities.

The range of activities the school is currently using in order to help meet its objectives include:

  • ASDAN Employability Short Course
  • ASDAN Independent Living Short Course
  • Careers Education and Guidance
  • Extended Work Placements
  • Visits to employers
  • Access to employers in school for workshops
  • Enterprise projects
  • Problem-Solving and Insight into Work Activities
  • Personal and Social Education
  • Citizenship Education 

Staff Roles and Responsibilities



01924572100 School Telephone number for all members of staff

Careers Leader 

Nicola Fradgley (KS4 Teacher)



Independent Careers Advisor

Jo Sergeant 




Staff Delivering

Nicola Fradgley (Careers Leader)

Claire Wilson (UQT)

Rebecca Cuthbert (Teacher)

Clare Pittaway (Senior TA)






Staff supporting delivery


Andy Sykes (UQT)

Rob Armitage (TA)

Danielle Shepard (TA)


Students are able to access information about the curriculum, work related learning and careers guidance from any member of staff in school who will then direct them to the appropriate member of staff or agency. 

Parents and employers are welcome to contact school where they will be referred to the appropriate member of staff, or to e-mail directly to the member of staff and/or agency concerned using the e-mail contacts published on the website (as above)

The Careers Leader is responsible for:

  • ensuring that schemes of work contribute to work-related aims;
  • identifying the types of activity at relevant points in the schemes of work;
  • identifying appropriate learning outcomes: skills, attitudes, concepts, knowledge and the strategies to achieve them;
  • clarifying how the activities helps progression an learning about, for and through work; and
  • assisting  pupils to set their own learning objectives.

Employer Involvement Policy/Baker Clause 

Employer involvement provides a clear ‘line of sight’ to work in line with the Baker Clause. Pupils should have six experiences of workplace providers/workplaces through ages 11-18. During their time at High Well, pupils will exceed this with numerous opportunities to access workplace providers/workplaces through KS2-KS4 including careers fairs both in-house and externally, visitors to school, and external visits. Current employer experiences include projects with Robertson, Haribo, Production Park and Next, as well as working with WDH, Yorkshire Water, and the West Yorkshire Fire Service.

The Baker Clause requires all learners to undertake meaningful activity involving employers during their study.

The Careers Leader will produce an Employer Involvement Plan at the start of a programme that reflects the meaningful activities that contribute to the experience. The center EVC (External Visits Coordinator) will advise on suitability of venue and carry out the necessary risk assessments working with the Careers Leader. These visits include college and university visits, visits to employers and industry, as well as educational establishments such as libraries and the public service sector.

This information was reviewed in October 2024 and will be next reviewed in October 2025 in line with the Careers Policy review.
