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High Well School

Preparing for Positive Futures

Parents & Carers

At High Well we provide a range of support for parents/carers.  High Well has a dedicated Parent Support Advisor who is also the school's Safeguarding Officer. 

Support Group for parents /carers

Support groups for parent/carer are on offer at High Well to encourage parental engagement. The groups meet every month, where in an open forum, parents / carers can discuss their experiences about their child in a confidential and non-judgemental environment.  This allows them to support each other and realise they are not on their own.  Professionals from outside agencies can be invited to attend to offer their support with any matters ie CAMHS, Home Based Breaks. 

Training has also been offered to two groups of parents /carers to support their child through attending a four session training programme about Mental Health First Aid. 


In addition to the Parent Support Advisor, the school has a full time  Attendance Officer  whose primary role is to provide support for pupils and their families to develop and sustain good attendance.  

High Well endeavours to promote, develop and strengthen relationships between home and school.  Our staff work in a non-judgemental way and are able to support parents/carers and overcome barriers to learning by: 

  • providing transport for visits and induction days
  • accompanying parents/carers to meetings and appointments
  • supporting parents/carers to complete paperwork/forms
  • making home visits both within and outside of school hours
  • promoting good attendance, including support to improve attendance
  • building positive relationships with external agencies working with families
  • supporting attendance at EHCP reviews
  • supporting attendance at Pupil Progress Days
  • supporting parents/carers to help their child choose appropriate Post 16 provision


The links on the right provide a range of information about High Well and the support available both from school and other agencies.