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High Well School

Preparing for Positive Futures

About Us

Dear Visitor,

Welcome to our website!

On behalf of the staff and Governing Body, I would like to welcome you to High Well School.

High Well is a special school for one hundred pupils aged between 9-16 years with an Education, Health and Care Plan for Profound/Severe Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs (SEMH).   At High Well we aim to prepare every pupil for a positive future.  Our core purpose is to develop our pupils’ academic, social and emotional skills so that each pupil leaves us ready and equipped for further education, employment or training, knows how to keep themselves safe, and is able to contribute to society.

Many of our pupils come to us having experienced disruption to their school life, often from an early age.   At High Well we aim to provide stability and consistency for both pupils and parents/carers in order to overcome barriers to learning through supporting and teaching our pupils how to manage and regulate their emotions and feelings.  Thorough and robust assessment ensures that we identify what each pupil already knows and where there are any gaps in their learning/development.  This allows us to plan to meet individual pupils’ needs and ensure that every pupil makes good or better progress.

We have a fantastic staff team with a range of expertise who are committed to our ethos of Preparing for Positive Futures and work hard to ensure the best possible quality of education for each pupil. 

Our website aims to give you a taster of what High Well is about as well as a range of useful information.  Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you require further information.


Kind regards,

Heather Fleming ( Head Teacher)