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High Well School

Preparing for Positive Futures


Attendance Matters

90% attendance (19 days absent a year) equates to 209 days of absence over 11 years of schooling. This is more than ONE YEAR of school missed!

There is a clear link between poor attendance at school and lower academic achievement.  Of students with attendance less than 50%, only 3% manage to achieve five or more GCSEs at grades A* to C including Maths and English.

The majority of students who have over 95% attendance achieve five or more GCSEs at grades A* to C.

Attendance is key to academic achievement!  If you are not in the lesson you cannot progress!


At High Well School we know that we can only support our pupils to reach their full potential if they attend. We reward good attendance at every chance possible. 

Some rewards that pupils can look forward to for outstanding or significantly improving attendance are as follows: 


  • Each pupil who has 100% attendance for the week will receive a certificate to take home (up to Year 9). 
  • Each pupil who has 100% or significantly improved attendance will receive a small treat at the end of the day on Friday. 
  • Each pupil who has 100% attendance will receive a point on class charts. 

Half termly 

  • Pupils with attendance of above 95% for the half term will be invited to a rewards event- pupils will vote on the reward they would like. 
  • The class with the highest attendance will have the attendance trophy to keep on display in their classroom and will receive extra social or free time as a reward. 


  • Pupils with 95% and above or those who have significantly improved their attendance will be invited to attend a special event to celebrate their achievement. 

In addition to this phone calls home will be made by staff to highlight outstanding or improved attendance as well as to offer support when attendance issues start to appear. 

Building good routines and a positive attitude to attendance is a team effort. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need support with attendance matters. 

Parents have a legal responsibility to ensure that their children attend school each day and we want to support you to do this wherever possible. 


Please see the Policies section for a copy of High Well School's Attendance Policy.