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High Well School

Preparing for Positive Futures

The School Day


Most pupils arrive at school between 8.50am and 9.00am via taxi.  Breakfast is then available in each Key Stage with a range of activities for those who have already had breakfast at home.


Breakfast: 9.00-9.15

Tutor Time: 9.15-9.25

Period 1: 9.25-10.10

Period 2: 10.10-10.55

Break: 10.55-11.10

Period 3: 11.10-11.55

Period 4: 11.55-12.40

Lunch: 12.40-1.20 - all pupils eat together in the dining hall until 1pm and a range of activities including sport is available from 1pm for 20 minutes.

Period 5: 1.20-2.00

Period 6: 2.00-2.45


Wider Curriculum

The school runs wider curriculum opportunities on Wednesday afternoons from 2.45pm to 3.45pm including transport home.  The activities currently offered are Football and Board Gaming including Dungeons and Dragons.  Pupils have been recently surveyed on additional wider curriculum opportunities they would like to participate in and there will be a bigger programme of activities available after the Easter break.