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High Well School

Preparing for Positive Futures


Curriculum Intent Statement

At High Well we provide a curriculum that has been carefully designed to fulfil our school ethos of Preparing for Positive Futures. The curriculum has been developed to ensure our pupils progress academically, socially and emotionally and leave us equipped with the tools needed to succeed in life.  The curriculum was designed to meet the wide range of needs of our pupils taking into consideration a number of key factors. 

Many of our pupils come to us having experienced disruption to their school life, often from an early age.  78% of pupils on arrival at High Well are classed as persistently absent from their previous school/provision (attendance less than 90%).  Most pupils arrive at High Well having experienced the use of reduced timetables for a significant period of time. 70% of pupils are eligible for pupil premium funding.  0% of pupils arrive at High Well working at age related expectations.  

Although pupils arrive with significant challenges, we do not allow these factors to be a barrier to our high aspirations for pupils’ academic progress, setting targets using Key Stage 2 results and/or baseline assessment data on entry.  All pupils at High Well have an EHCP for profound/severe Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs.  In order for pupils to make strong academic progress and be successful in life after school, we must ensure that pupils’ SEMH needs are met, with pupils being provided with opportunities throughout the curriculum to make progress in their social and emotional development.  Within Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3, the curriculum has been constructed to ensure that social and emotional development is prioritised and pupils acquire and embed the appropriate behaviours for learning and knowledge to access the curriculum as they progress through school. 

As our ethos suggests, our aim is to prepare every pupil for a positive future.  Our curriculum has been specifically designed to ensure that all pupils are provided with daily opportunities and support to develop the independence which will ultimately prepare them for adulthood.

Our curriculum policy is available at the bottom of the page. This details the intent, implementation, impact and assessment of our academic and social & emotional curriculum.  This page provides a summary of what is available to pupils at High Well.


The transition from primary to second education is a significant challenge for all pupils so it is particularly important for our pupils, and the challenges they face, to ensure we prepare them as thoroughly as possible.  Our Key Stage 2 curriculum has been carefully designed to ensure we are meeting the requirements of the National Curriculum at Key Stage 2 but also preparing our pupils for the transition. There is a particular focus on social and emotional development, early reading and addressing any gaps in fundamental knowledge to prepare pupils to access the curriculum at Key Stage 3. The timetable is constructed to provide regular opportunities for Key Stage 2 pupils to access lessons and social times at the main school site to enable relationships to be established with staff and other pupils. 

Autumn Overview

Spring Overview


Key Stage 2 PE Overview

Knowledge Organisers Summer 1


To fulfil the school ethos of Preparing for Positive Futures, the first step is to ensure all our pupils possess the fundamental skills to be able to learn in a classroom environment.  Throughout Key Stage 3 there is a focus on providing regular opportunities to develop socially and emotionally and embed behaviours for learning.  This focus is maintained throughout Key Stage 3 and addressed through curriculum lessons, bespoke SEMH interventions and extra-curricular opportunities.   As part of the Key Stage 3 curriculum, another focus is to address any gaps in academic learning, develop reading (including early reading) and remove any barriers to accessing the National Curriculum.

Our pupils follow the National Curriculum in Maths, English, Humanities, Science, PE,  Food Technology and Computing.   Maths and English are delivered a minimum of 4 times a week to ensure our pupils are secure in essential numeracy and literacy skills.  Each class in KS3 has a class teacher and a support team who deliver the majority of lessons.  For more specialised subjects such as Science, PE and Food Technology, specialist staff are used alongside the class team. 


Key Stage 3 Maths 

Maths Overview

The school follows the White Rose Maths scheme.  Please find week by week plans below providing details on the topic each class will be covering within each half-term.  Some classes may make deviations from the Long Term Plan to meet the needs of the pupils.


Autumn Term Overviews


Summer Term Overviews

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9B

Year 9A


Knowledge Organisers Autumn 


Knowledge Organisers Summer 1



Knowledge Organisers Summer 2



Maths Learning Resources

Maths homework is available at

Times Table practice is available at

Every pupil has an account to these sites. If you require any support in accessing this, please contact your child’s class teacher or our curriculum lead and Assistant Headteacher, Mr Adrian Coates on 01924 572100.


Key Stage 3 English 


Knowledge Organisers Autumn 



Knowledge Organisers Spring



Knowledge Organisers Summer 1

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9



Knowledge Organisers Summer 2


Key Stage 3 Reading 

Reading is a priority in school and each pupil undergoes a rigorous baseline procedure to identify their next steps in developing their reading.

For pupils who still need to embed Early Reading knowledge we use the Fresh Start modules from the Read, Write, Inc phonics scheme.

For developing readers, who have the decoding skills but need to develop comprehension skills we use the Cracking Comprehension scheme from Rising Stars.

Key Stage 3 Science 



Knowledge Organisers Autumn 



Knowledge Organisers Summer 1



Knowledge Organisers Summer 2

Key Stage 3 Humanities 



Knowledge Organisers Autumn 



Knowledge Organisers Summer 1



Knowledge Organisers Summer 2


Key Stage 3 ICT 



Knowledge Organisers Autumn



Knowledge Organisers Summer



Key Stage 3 PE 


Knowledge Organisers Autumn 


Key Stage 3 Food Technology  

Knowledge Organisers Autumn 1



Knowledge Organisers Summer 1

Key Stage 3 Social, Emotional and Spiritual Curriculum 

In order to be successful in life, all pupils need to leave school with the appropriate social and emotional skills to:

  • access and remain in further education, employment or training,
  • keep themselves safe
  • be able to contribute to society. 

It is important at High Well that we equip our pupils with not only the necessary qualifications but also support our pupils to:

  • manage and regulate their own feelings and emotions 
  • develop their resilience
  • be able to face new situations and challenges with confidence, not giving up at the first hurdle.

In order to ensure our whole school community is fully immersed in our school ethos we dedicate two lessons a week specifically to Preparing for Positive Futures.  These lessons cover a variety of areas with the overall aim being to develop social skills and emotional resilience whilst providing pupils with the knowledge to make safe and informed choices about life in modern Britain.  They are delivered by the staff in school alongside other professionals from a range of specialist organisations including, Connexions (careers advice), Change Go Live (substance misuse education) and Spectrum (Relationships and sexual education).  Our Religious Education program is incorporated within the PPF curriculum as we believe it is imperative to expose our pupils to different cultures and beliefs.

Topics include:

  • PSHE national curriculum, including statutory Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
  • Careers advice
  • SMSC (spiritual, moral, social and cultural development)
  • PREVENT strategy (extremism in our society)
  • RE


PPF and RE Yearly Overviews





Autumn Term

Year 7 PPF Overview

Year 8 PPF Overview

Year 9 PPF Overview



PPF and RE Knowledge Organisers Autumn


PPF and RE Knowledge Organisers Summer


PPF Summer Term Overviews




Having prioritised social and emotional development, behaviours for leaning and addressing gaps in knowledge in Key Stage 3 we can then focus on ensuring our pupils leave with the knowledge, life skills, career guidance and qualifications to match their potential.  Social and Emotional development remains an integral part of the Key Stage 4 curriculum but having a secure foundation from Key Stage 3 allows our pupils the opportunity to focus on: meeting their potential, achieving the best outcomes possible and being equipped with the resilience, self-regulation and independence to successfully transition to post-16 education, training and employment.   

 Pupils leave High Well with a range of qualifications including GCSE, Functional Skills, ASDAN and Step Up and Entry Level Certificates.  Accreditation will be across a range of subjects including Maths, English, Science, Humanities, PE, ICT, CoPE, Employability and Food Technology. Maths and English are delivered a minimum of 4 times per week at KS4 to ensure that all pupils leave with functional levels of literacy and numeracy.   In KS4 support staff remain consistent within each class however in preparation for post 16 provision teaching staff vary and are linked to specific subject areas. 

Courses available at KS4:

  • GCSE English, Mathematics, Science and Humanities
  • Functional Skills English, Mathematics & ICT at levels 1&2
  • Step Up Award English, Mathematics & Science Bronze, Silver & Gold
  • BTEC Home Cooking Skills L1 & 2
  • BTEC Sport L1 & 2
  • BTEC Digital Information Technology L1 & 2
  • ASDAN short courses: Employability and Independent Living 
  • Young Sports Leader Award
Key Stage 4 Maths 



Knowledge Organisers



Maths Learning Resources

Maths homework is available at

Times Table practice is available at

Every pupil has an account to these sites. If you require any support in accessing this, please contact your child’s class teacher or our curriculum lead and Assistant Headteacher, Mr Adrian Coates on 01924 572100.


Key Stage 4 English  

*KS4A will gain access to literary texts via their reading lessons as, on the whole, their reading ages are in line with or beyond their chronological age. Those for whom this is not the case will receive bespoke reading interventions during tutor time or reading lessons depending on staff capacity.



Knowledge Organisers Autumn 



Key Stage 4 Science 



Knowledge Organiser Summer 1



Knowledge Organiser Summer 2


Key Stage 4 Humanities 



Knowledge Organisers Autumn 



Knowledge Organisers Summer 2 


Key Stage 4 ICT



Knowledge Organisers Autumn



Knowledge Organisers Summer


Key Stage 4 PE 



Knowledge Organisers Autumn 

Key Stage 4 Social, Emotional and Spiritual Curriculum

PPF and RE Yearly Overviews




Relationships and Sex Education

As a part of your child’s education at High Well School, we promote personal wellbeing and development through a comprehensive Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education programme. PSHE education is the curriculum subject that gives young people the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live safe, healthy, productive lives and meet their full potential. These lessons are delivered in our Preparing for Positive Futures (PPF) lessons.

We have recently updated the curriculum for PPF to include new resources and up-to-date advice and guidance to support your child through their preparation for a positive future. With this in mind we would like to make you aware that during the Spring term of each year your child’s class will be taking part in lessons which will focus on the relationships and sex education (RSE) aspect of this programme. RSE lessons in each year will include teaching about the following as details in the Yearly Overview on our website, and below: Healthy relationships, including friendships and intimate relationships; families; growing and changing, including puberty; personal hygiene; changing feelings; becoming more independent; keeping safe and consent; developing self-esteem and confidence.

Pupils will also have opportunities to ask questions that help prepare them for relationships of all kinds in the modern world. PSHE education is taught throughout the school in every year group and is monitored and reviewed regularly by the staff and governing body. Please visit the school’s website and the Curriculum page for more detail about our PSHE curriculum, as well as the Policies page for the Relationships and Sex Policy. All RSE teaching takes place will take place in a safe learning environment and is underpinned by our school ethos and values.

Should you wish to know more about the content of the RSE curriculum please contact Mrs Fradgley via telephone or to find out more about what your child will learn, view the materials and resources being used in lessons and discover how you can best support your child to discuss these topics at home.

As a school community, we are committed to working in partnership with parents, and should you wish to withdraw you child from any of the RSE content that they will learn about we would value your feedback and welcome meetings with parents to discuss any worries and support you and your child. Further details of the right to withdraw from Sex education are contained in the Relationships and Sex Policy.


Creative Subjects 

Pupils access Art and Design through the curriculum at Ks2 and Ks3. Year 7 to Year 9 in the Spring/ Summer term, learn about different artists ranging from Henry Moore to Georges Seurat, they gain skills and knowledge that will prepare them for them the future as well as exploring different pathways into a career. Year 9 explores different ways we use sewing in our everyday life. Year 7 learn all about colour theory, such primary and secondary colours. Year 8 develop their skills further to improve the skills they have learnt in Year 7.

Art and Design is also developed in a range of subject areas across the curriculum including:


·        3D Relief models (map skills)

·        3D models of the layers of the earth


·        3D trench models

In addition, creative subjects are also available through our extracurricular offer including:

·        Music

·        Arts and Crafts

·        Board Gaming

From KS2, pupils have access to weekly timetabled board gaming sessions which help to develop their skills in a range of areas, including creativity. Pupils participating in the after- school board gaming group have begun to gather evidence towards achieving an Arts Award in this area.

From September 2023 our curriculum will be further enhanced to include Art and Design and music on a weekly basis in KS3. Photography is becoming part of the extracurricular offer. Pupils demonstrating an interest in accreditation in KS4 in creative arts will also be offered the option of gaining appropriate accreditation.


High Well has its own construction tutor. The impact of construction for pupils at High Well is evident through the EHCP annual review process. Pupils/parents comment that pupils develop a sense of achievement and have an increased level of confidence following construction sessions. This self-belief contributes to pupils making progress against their EHCP Outcomes. 

As well as developing numerous practical skills, pupils also build upon skills such as team work and communication which are imperative in preparing pupils for life post-16.   

SEMH needs are also addressed. Pupils need to practise self-regulation in order to work safely with tools and communicate effectively with the tutor and any other professionals. Social skills are also a large part of the course whereby pupils are encouraged to move outside their comfort zone, with the support of the tutor. An example of this is where pupils may be expected to purchase resources. Often pupils lack confidence and understanding of how to effectively communicate their needs, particularly with those who they may not have met previously. The tutor recognises this and sets targets which lead to small steps of success, preparing pupils for the future.

There is a good level of mutual respect between the tutor and the pupils which can be witnessed around the school site. Often if a pupil is dysregulated, the tutor is able to use this relationship to encourage the pupil to use self-regulation techniques which decreases the need for physical intervention. 

When preferencing a provision in the year 11 annual review, pupils who have taken part in construction often state that they would like to complete construction (or one of the trades practised such as plumbing) at Post 16, demonstrating the impact that this has had on them during their time at High Well.


Knowledge Organisers

Alternative Provisions 

Pupils have access to a range of alternative provisions including Reverse the Cycle, Construction, Riding for the Disabled and Keats Engineering and Education.  

Reverse the Cycle is a project which involves bicycle maintenance.  Not only does it support our pupils to develop new skills which they may utilise outside of school, but also exposes them to learning in an employment style environment with other adults and pupils from different schools and communities. 

Our onsite construction tutor also delivers lessons to individuals and small groups on a variety of practical skills including: carpentry, plastering and tiling.  This is another opportunity for pupils to operate in an employment style environment and interact with adults in the community. 

Riding for the Disabled is an established charity who have supported young people for over 50 years to develop skills in relation to horse riding and maintenance. This provides another valuable opportunity for the development of social and emotional skills.

Keats Engineering and Education offer separate opportunities to develop knowledge in skills in both Engineering and Sports Coaching.  A blend of practical and theoretical lessons give our pupils the opportunity to experience an environment which may be a future career.

Action2Change and Forging Futures provide bespoke packages to support pupils with their academic and social and emotional progress.  We work closely with the provision to ensure that the academic work is in line with High Well accreditation and that SEMH interventions are structured to work towards meeting the outcomes within individual EHCPs.

There may be opportunities within Year 11 for work placements to be undertaken to give pupils a taste of life as an employee.  Placements are chosen on the basis of individual needs and interests and are linked to an area where a pupil may want to progress to Post 16.  

We work closely with the Partnership Manager at Wakefield College to ensure that the transition to Post 16 is as smooth as possible.   Representatives from Wakefield College attend the EHCP review meetings for all Year 11 pupils to support with choosing an appropriate course and ensuring they understand are able to meet individual pupil needs.  Pupils also get the opportunity to visit college during Year 11 to help them become accustomed to college life and subsequently be successful in their further education.   If a pupil is demonstrating readiness for college in Year 10 then it is possible to partake in an early college transfer (ECT) in Year 11 where they spend 3 days per week in college and 2 days per week in school. 


For further information on the curriculum, please contact: Mr Adrian Coates, Deputy Head T. 01924 572100 or email: